
Social Media Ads For Healthcare

social media ads healthcare

Looking for a better way to engage with your patients outside of your clinic? 

It may have been a far-fetched idea years ago, but social media advertising has ultimately changed the way healthcare professionals connect with their patients. 

After all, who wouldn’t want to leverage the 74% of social media users who have looked for health information on their Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?

Social media has vastly become the hot-spot for medical professionals just like you to effectively connect with patients and grow their online presence.

Clueless where to start? That’s why we at Digitalis Medical are here!

social media ads healthcare

Advertise on Social Media with Digitalis

Need help setting up your social media account? 

Are you unsure how to plan your social media content? 

Digitalis is here to help! Our digital marketing experts have been trained and experienced in social media marketing and advertising

As health professionals ourselves, we know how to convey your brand while remaining compliant within the different social networks. 

Let’s get your practice on social media! 

Social Media Advertising on Different Social Networks

Do you wonder how YouTube picks the video ads they show you before you watch something? 

Perhaps, you’ve given a second glance at Facebook ads that seem similar to what you’ve been searching for online. 

There’s a reason why digital marketing experts have given social media ads a high priority on their marketing strategies. 

Not only does it provide a vast reach, but it also allows your business to choose and direct your social ads towards a specific target audience. 

In the healthcare industry, this can be as crucial as planning the content you post on your social networks. 

Are you thinking it’s time to spend money on paid social media ads? 

Digitalis is here to help you promote and run social media advertising campaigns for the following: 

  • Facebook ads
  • Instagram advertising 
  • Twitter ads
  • Youtube and Video ads 

Reach your desired audience through a social media ad. 

The Power of Social Media Marketing in Healthcare

power of social media

Communication is key to building a strong and successful medical practice. 

Social media users are relying more on Dr. Social to get answers to their health-related questions. As healthcare professionals, it’s time we learn to communicate with our patients where they are the most active. 

At least 3/4 of active social media users have searched health-related queries on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

When users were asked why they prefer searching on social media, they reported that they find the information they see on these platforms more personal and relatable.

Despite this generation’s increased awareness and knowledge of health, there still remains a challenge in terms of fake news and misinformation. 

People are turning a blind eye to what they see online without much need to verify the facts versus fiction. 

As experts in the field of health and medicine, it has become a social responsibility for healthcare professionals to be at the forefront of social media.

power of social media

Benefits and Challenges of Social Media Advertising in Healthcare

benefits and challenges of social media

Much like they say it in health, “prevention is better than cure”. 

Before you start registering and promoting your practice with a social media ad, it’s important to be aware of the benefits and challenges of using this platform. 

Benefits include: 

  • Expanding your professional network 
  • Utilizing a cost-effective method of advertising
  • Engaging with a larger audience 
  • Increasing your brand’s value with people with educational information on health and an easier way to get information in front of your patients 
  • Providing a benefit to people by increasing their awareness of health

Challenges you might experience: 

  • Being extra cautious about your posts to remain HIPAA compliant 
  • Establishing your authority while being approachable and engaging 
  • Being vulnerable to negative reviews and internet trolls 

As you can see, the benefits clearly outweigh the challenges. 

With the right approach, your practice will successfully thrive. 

How Social Media Ads Improve Your Medical Practice

social media ads for medical practice
social media ads for medical practice

Social media is the ultimate sharing platform online.. 

On a personal level, it’s where we catch up with what’s happening with our friends, keep up with the trends, and share our own stories. 

For your medical practice, it is a strategic avenue to advertise your healthcare services, medical expertise, and brand. 

Increasing Online Visibility 

Currently, there are billions of active users in the leading social media applications, like Facebook and Instagram.

With such a reach, social media advertising is an effective marketing strategy for health professionals because it allows you to engage with as many people as possible.

Establish Yourself as The Health Expert

In social media, your prospective patients are already looking for you. They’re already out there searching for solutions to their health problems. Don’t miss this opportunity!

As the expert, you have at your fingertips a space where they can get the most reliable information and lead them towards better health. 

It also allows you to get creative with how you share educational health information, like infographics and vlogs, all in one place.

Better Engagement With Your Patients

Social media advertisements don’t only mean running promotional campaigns of your services on these platforms. 

Promoting your practice means you can take your community-building efforts further. With applications like Facebook, you can integrate and stay active by using its online groups and forums features.  

In addition, the ease of connectivity allows you and your patients to interact more within these applications.

Social Media Advertising Strategy for Healthcare

social media for healthcare

When you choose to work with the Digitalis team, we will find the right approach to social media marketing to help you to attract new patients, interact with existing ones, and build a trusted reputation online

Healthcare professionals everywhere are starting to take advantage of social media marketing by using their expertise to educate, connect, and inspire their patients. Are you?

Educate Patients to Earn Their Trust

educate patients for trust
educate patients for trust

Truth be told, there’s already a lot of misinformation spreading online. 

According to a 2019 study, the 50 most viral news articles on false health information garnered a reach of more than 12 million comments and shares.  

Here’s the thing: Google and social media applications don’t have much of a filter when it comes to verifying someone’s legitimacy online. They only rely on data and analytics to see who’s getting the most attention. 

The healthcare industry needs to take a stand and start advertising on social media. Social media channels like Facebook and Twitter are the best platforms to share relevant and evidence-based health facts. 

In a survey conducted by Search Engine Watch, 90% of respondents from 18 to 24 years of age said they would trust medical information shared by others on their social media networks. 

This growing number among millennials just goes to show how much of an impact social media has on their lives. 

How can you gain trust with your audience on social media?

It’s not enough that you share one-liner facts about health. People can easily go to health websites like WebMD to check out their symptoms online. 

In social media, you need to put out content that’s high-quality and a conversation-starter. 

First, look at the most common health problems your patients have. 

Then, pull these questions and do an extensive Q&A live on your Facebook and create an infographic loaded with this information.

As you get more people to engage with your content, more people will start to trust and believe you as a credible health professional. 

What else can you educate on social media? 

Here are a few suggestions: 

  • Do an in-depth discussion about a disease or illness you specialize in 
  • Answer the most frequently asked questions about common health problems 
  • Give preventative tips to improve the health of your audience 
  • Debunk myths and straighten out the facts on health 
  • Report on new treatments and other health trends

Connect With People on a Personal Level

connect with people

Social media has connected the world in a way we wouldn’t have imagined many years ago. 

With just a few clicks, you can start a conversation with a random stranger, your favorite celebrity, or your most-trusted brand. 

It’s no wonder that as much as 53% of physicians in the US have launched their own personal Facebook pages to start connecting with their patients on a more personal level. 

Social media allows doctors to get in touch with their patients easily and engage with them more outside of their clinics. 

In turn, this personal touch increases a patient’s trust and loyalty

Are you part of the remaining 47% of medical practitioners that haven’t used social media in their advertising strategy? 

It’s time to consider social media ads in your career plans. 

[Get Started]

Speak Person-To-Person, As If Face-To-Face

In recent years, many doctors have faced some backlash when it comes to the way they deal with their patients. Patients have complained about the lack of personal, face-to-face care from their doctors.

To combat this challenge, doctors have leveraged social media to show transparency and authenticity and to engage more with their audience. 

According to a study, 60% of doctors agree that social media has helped promote quality care to their patients. 

With the increased use of social media in healthcare, physicians and health professionals are experiencing an improvement in their patient relationships. 

Here are some tips you can try with your social media advertising to become more approachable and interesting to patients:

  1. Express your concern and support over their health issues 
  2. Discuss health topics in layman’s terms 
  3. Talk to your social media audience as if you’re talking to your own patient 
  4. Give your patients a glimpse of your daily life in the hospital
  5. Reach out and interact with the patients that leave comments on messages

Make It Visual 

Great content can win you credibility and authority online. However, what’s a great piece of writing if it’s not visually appealing? 

This is where graphic design comes into play in social media advertising. 

Displaying aesthetically pleasing and informative content can drive you to success when advertising social media. 

We incorporate graphic design into the services we offer to achieve the look and feel you want while attracting your patient audience

Infographics, lists posts, high-quality portraits, and well-edited video blogs should be part of your social media marketing strategy. We’re here ready to produce this quality content for you! 

[See Our Work]

Tell Real Stories (While Protecting Privacy)

Often, a patient’s journey to health requires a long process of recovery. To help them through these trying times, many have sought the comfort and support of social media communities.

In fact, a recent study reported that as much as 54% of patients have opened up to social media communities to seek advice and converse about their health conditions. 

This arena creates an open door for you to show your patients the support that they need by sharing real recovery stories. 

In this way, they can relate to your other patients while growing trust in you. 

Being Relatable While Complying with HIPAA

Telling stories about your practice and your patients is an effective advertising strategy to promote you and your services. 

However, you need to remember to comply with the medical ethics codes set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 

A rule of thumb: avoid disclosing personal information about your patients or any information that could identify them. 

In addition, you should also be aware of the common social media advertising violations doctors make online: 

  • Posting images and videos of patients without written consent
  • Posting gossip about patients
  • Posting information that could allow an individual to be identified
  • Sharing photographs or images taken inside a healthcare facility which show patients
  • Sharing photos, videos, or text on social media platforms within a private group

To guide healthcare professionals on the proper social media use, HIPAA Journal has posted an in-depth guideline on its website. 

Inspire Your Audience to Take Action

inspire your audience

“Health is wealth,” as they say. However, despite the growing trend in health and fitness, many people still take their bodies for granted. 

Did you know that as much 36% of Americans haven’t visited a doctor within the past year?

That statistic alone should make many health professionals worry. 

Don’t let these numbers grow. If you’re a health expert with a decent audience in social media, you have the power to influence people to take better charge of their health and wellbeing. 

Social media advertising for doctors shouldn’t be limited to promoting a product or a service. 

It’s almost the duty of health professionals online to propagate health information that will change the lives of their audience. 

Make your voice come through the noise.

inspire your audience

Which Social Media Ads and Channels Work Best For Healthcare?

which ads work for healthcare?

Have you registered your practice on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? 

Although all these platforms have the most engagement online, not all of them should be treated equally.

There are also less popular, but powerful tools, such as LinkedIn and Pinterest, which can contribute greatly to your social media presence. 

Here are the 5 best social media channels and a few tips on how to approach it: 

  1. Facebook is a great overall platform for education and information dissemination. You can also expand your strategy to build a community where you and your patients can engage in an online forum. 
  2. Instagram is the best platform for visual presentation. If you have infographics, photos of your clinic, or testimonials you want to share with your audience, this would be the best place to do so. 
  3. Twitter is recommended for those who want to disseminate information with short, bite-size pieces. Want to remind your patients about your limited offers? Perhaps you have an interesting article to share with them? You can post them on here. 
  4. Pinterest offers an amazing way to collate information that’s relevant to you and your practice. With its vision board feature, you can put together infographics or lists that would be helpful to your patients.
  5. LinkedIn is where you can build on your professional network. This social media channel gives you the platform to establish your expertise in your field. In addition, if you have a healthcare organization you want to engage with, this would be the preferred platform to connect with them.

Boost Your Practice With Social Media Advertising

boost your practice with social media

Don’t let your career and medical practice fall behind the trends. It’s time for you to connect with your patients and invest in the right social media marketing company. 

We at Digitalis Medical are your trusted social media advertising company. 

From setting up your accounts, curating content, and running paid social ads on various platforms — we’re determined to increase your online presence to help you reach your practice goals. 

We know you want to engage with an audience and increase your patient-base. Our carefully designed advertising strategies will bring in more patients while building your reputation online. 

We’re excited to get you live on social media. 

boost your practice with social media