
complimentary webinar

Get Leads from linkedIn Within 30 Days!

My Phone Calls This Month:

David LinkedIn Leads Schedule Full

Let me show you how to get these type of results.


Learn how to generate hot leads from LinkedIn FAST.

Optimize Your Profile

Craft a profile that appeals to your perfect customer and motivates them to get on the phone with you.

Prospect the Right Way

Find the exact prospects you need, including job description, company size, industry, and more.

Get the Phone Calls

Earn trust, build relationships, and get on the phone as quickly as possible.


The LinkedIn Cash Method

Do you need to find new clients to get sales?

I was cold-calling and emailing, and spending thousands of dollars on Facebook and Google Ads to find new clients for my marketing agency.

I’ve spent years learning how to market and advertise for other businesses, but didn’t take the time to market for my own. 

I assumed the referrals and networking events would keep paying off.

Then when the economy changed, I was forced to start cold calling, cold emailing, and using paid ad campaigns.

It was time-consuming and extremely expensive. I had too little to show for all the phone calls I was making to get new clients for myself.

After years of trial and error, I developed a system to find perfectly qualified leads from LinkedIn and actually get them on the phone.

Within 2 weeks of starting, I had phone calls with 8 perfectly qualified leads. That equals adding $248,000 to my sales pipeline!

It works so well for me, I wanted to share this to help other businesses grow too.

What My LinkedIn Cash Method Includes:

Time is Not Your Friend.

Right now, like no other time in the history of business, we are being forced to focus on ONLY WHAT REALLY WORKS.

We don’t have the convenience of attending week-long conferences, going to Meetups, or 17 different networking events.

Will you get the help you need to thrive in the new economy?

Join my complimentary webinar to learn what really works right now, so you can build your business.


Questions About the LinkedIn Cash Method

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